Feb. 28, 2019

TOWANDA – Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) today reminded residents of the 110th District who live in Sullivan and Susquehanna counties they can access her satellite office during special hours in March.

Pickett will hold satellite hours in Sullivan County on the first and third Wednesdays of the month – March 6 and March 20. Staff will be available in the commissioners’ conference room at the courthouse from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Susquehanna County residents who may need assistance are always encouraged to call Pickett’s staff at (570) 934-2557 anytime during regular business hours.

“Because the 110th District is one of the larger geographical districts in our state, it can be difficult at times for some residents to stop by our full-time offices in Sayre and Towanda,” Pickett said. “That’s why we have these monthly office hours – so we can better help and serve constituents from all areas of our district and they can receive the assistance they need in working with issues involving state government.”

At the Sayre district office, there will be an American Legion Service Officer on Friday, March 15, by appointment only, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The assigned service officer can help veterans navigate the complexities of government programs and services designed for them. Specifically, they can help veterans and their family members with compensation, pension, death benefits, education and health care, as well as any issues pertaining to benefits.

Veterans do not need to be a member of the American Legion to receive these services, and appointments can be made by calling Pickett’s Sayre office at (570) 888-9011.

Pickett’s full-time offices are located at 321 Main St., Towanda, phone (570) 265-3124, and 106 W. Packer Ave., Sayre, phone (570) 888-9011.

More information is available 24 hours a day on Pickett’s website at RepPickett.com or on her Facebook page at Facebook.com/RepPickett. Residents can also sign up via her website to receive a weekly email about local and state activities.

Representative Tina Pickett
110th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Brooke Haskell
RepPickett.com / Facebook.com/RepPickett
