Apr. 02, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Susquehanna/Sullivan) announced today that the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will invest $13 million in two projects within the 110th District.

The projects are the Route 6 reconstruction from Sugar Creek to Tomjack Road in Burlington Borough, West Burlington Township and Troy Township in Bradford County ($11.5 million); and the Route 154 bridge replacement in Fox Township in Sullivan County ($1.5 million).

“The completion of these projects will enhance our local infrastructure and help improve safety for motorists traveling in these areas,” said Pickett. “The safety of all when traveling on our local roads and bridges is extremely important, and I’m pleased that our district has received this investment so that the necessary improvements can be made.”

As construction projects are underway in the region, drivers can anticipate seeing many work zones and are urged to keep in mind their safety and the safety of highway workers. When encountering a work zone, please drive the posted speed limit, turn on headlights, pay close attention to signs and flaggers, and avoid all distractions.

The department anticipates investing more than $160 million this year in the PennDOT Engineering District 3 region spanning Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties. This investment includes rehabilitating, reconstructing and resurfacing 152 miles of highways and starting 20 new bridge projects.

Additionally, preservation work will be performed on 57 bridges. Preservation treatments such as epoxy overlays extend the life of the bridges.

Representative Tina Pickett
110th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Brooke Haskell
RepPickett.com / Facebook.com/RepPickett