Jun. 27, 2019

HARRISBURG – Municipalities in Bradford, Sullivan and Susquehanna counties within the 110th Legislative District will share more than $26.3 million in impact fee revenue derived from the natural gas industry during 2018, Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) announced today.

Since the impact fee went into effect in 2012, more than $191 million has allowed local and county governments to improve roads and bridges, enhance first response abilities, increase affordable housing options, stabilize streambanks and keep local taxes in check.

The following impact fee revenue amounts were announced for the three counties and their eligible municipalities that are part of the 110th District:

• Bradford – $6.2 million to the county, and a total of $7.6 million for municipalities.
• Sullivan – $679,780 to the county, and a total of $1.2 million for municipalities.
• Susquehanna – $7.2 million to the county, and a total of $3.5 million for municipalities.

“Impact fee revenues for our three-county region have increased by nearly $5 million, and that is good news for local municipalities as nearly all of them will receive a larger check this year,” Pickett said, noting that Susquehanna and Bradford counties ranked second and third, respectively, in terms of revenue received statewide. “As long as drilling is occurring, impact fee revenue will help our local governments deal with the effects caused by the activity in their communities.”

Statewide, $252 million was generated for the 2018 production year, an increase of nearly $79 million or about 43 percent, over last year’s amount. This revenue from Pennsylvania’s drilling activity is more than the drilling tax collected by the states of West Virginia, Ohio, Arkansas and Colorado combined, despite these four states producing more natural gas than Pennsylvania.

To date, more than $1.7 billion in impact fees have been returned to communities across Pennsylvania, according to the Public Utility Commission (PUC), the agency charged with collection. Sixty percent of the total impact fee revenue is divided among municipalities with drilling activity, while the remaining 40 percent is collected for statewide uses. Local counties also see a share of that revenue.

In addition, impact fee revenue that is directed to state government will help to enforce clean air and water statutes; plan for emergencies; develop, deliver and sustain training and grant programs for first responders; and help transition traditional fuel-powered vehicles to clean natural gas.

Checks are expected to be distributed in early July.

The breakdown of impact fee revenue by municipality in the 110th District is included in the accompanying attachment.

Representative Tina Pickett
110th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepPickett.com / Facebook.com/RepPickett
