Aug. 01, 2019
HARRISBURG – Reps. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) and Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford/Potter) will host an enhanced concealed carry event in Bradford County on Thursday, Sept. 12, 6 p.m. at the Troy Sale Barn,
50 Ballard St. in Troy. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
Presentations will be made by Bradford County Sheriff C.J. Walters and Tioga County Sheriff Frank Levindoski, who will share information about the state’s firearms laws and the Castle Doctrine, which allows a homeowner to use deadly force if necessary when threatened by an armed intruder.
They will also provide information on personal protection devices and discuss issues related to physical, home and technology security.
“These seminars allow gun owners to learn exactly what their rights are under Pennsylvania law and ask any questions they may have about them,” said Pickett. “I am pleased to once again be able to host one of these events, which are always well attended.”
“The ‘enhanced’ event provides residents with even more information on home and personal safety measures,” said Owlett. “This information has been well received by attendees of these seminars and empowers individuals to better protect themselves in various situations.”
Registration is required for this event and can be made by going online at or, or by calling Pickett’s Towanda office at 570-265-3124 or Owlett’s Troy office at 570- 297-3045. Seating is limited.
Representative Tina Pickett
110th Legislative District /
Representative Clint Owlett
68th Legislative District /
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Pickett Media Contact: Andy Briggs 717-260-0674
Owlett Media Contact: Patricia Hippler 717-772-9846