Oct. 16, 2019

WHAT: In their continuing effort to better inform area gun owners regarding their rights under state law, Reps. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) and Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne) will co-host a concealed carry seminar in Susquehanna County.

WHO: Fritz, Pickett, Susquehanna County Sheriff Lance Benedict, Susquehanna County District Attorney Marion O’Malley and area residents.

: Thursday, Oct. 17., beginning at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

WHERE: Hop Bottom Hose Company, South Center Street in Hop Bottom.

Media contact: Abby Krueger, 717.260.6617, akrueger@pahousegop.com